The good and the bad, or: software sucks

In the fine tradition of these two sites , I present to you my own list of good and bad software. I agree with those lists most of the time, but I have a few differnt things to add. There will be duplicates here; things that I really like or dislike. Also I thought it would be fun to write my own list and be smug about it. Have fun!

The good

People with a good track record of writing non sucky software. Their stuff is worth checking out. You will find enough software to build yourself a nice, working system.
If you want to have sane tools and libraries, check out Plan9 from User Space. A port of most of the Plan 9 userspace, libs and some of its file servers.

The not good enough

This is software i like but don't consider good enough to invest more of my time into.

Haskell. I really like functional programming. Haskell has some great features: Nonmutable data, pattern matching and monads; to name a few. But it's either too complicated or i'm not smart enough. Haskell is perfectly good for Vulcans or Time Lords but in the time it takes me to remember what the hell stuff like runST does again, I can crank out a working program in C. Still worth learning tho. Learn you a Haskell
Alternative: Rust is a better choice. Many of Haskell's nice features, many additional libs and less stress for my puny brain.

I like Emacs, I've been a heavy user for years. I even wrote my own minor modes and a good amout of elisp. But recently, when I needed to do editing stuff, i found myself back at the console writing sed scripts or piping stuff trough sort and grep more often. I see no reason to memorize all the keyboard shortcuts when I can accomplish the same things with all the well known UNIX tools.
Alternative: Mg, one of the 2 default editors that come with OpenBSD. Comes with standard emacs bindings and a dired mode.

Vi is good small editor. it has a command language und you can pipe buffers trough other programs. But it uses it's own syntax instead of adopting and expanding something like sed. Also, I hate modal editing!
Alternative: Sam, the predecessor to Acme. Sed like command language, multiple buffers and designed to get the most out of the unix toolset

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This is the worst!

Mario knows what's going on!

The worstbetter
Most of the crap from GNUSee first section of this post
Java, C++, .Net Go, Rust, C, LISP, erlang,
Ubuntu, Redhat, ...9front, *BSD, Slackware, Alpine Linux
Ruby, Perl, Python, Phpawk, sed, sh/rc
JavascriptRead a book, stab yourself in the eye with a spork, anything!
ZFS, Btrfsufs, ext*, nilfs, use git-annex to get many of ZFS' features in userspace
xmpp,icu,whatsapp,...E Mail, irc
Gimp, ImageMagicknetpbm
Any modern browserNothing. Get used to the pain or try Lynx. :(
GPGreop, signify
more to follow...